After the pandemic, we asked the question, “How can Saint Joan of Arc better serve you as parents, grandparents and caregivers?” Family Small Faith Communities (FSFC) responds to our parents’ and caregivers’ desires to help their children experience a loving and inclusive God; deepen their personal faith; equip them with the skills to talk to their children about the importance of their faith and values, and engage in ongoing conversations and activities to build justice in their communities and the world. For more details on our new ministry, go to our FSFC webpage.
Our FSFC help build relationships, navigate the challenges of living our faith in the world, and deepen our connections to each other and Saint Joan of Arc. By completing and submitting the Registration Form, you are helping us create communities that serve your families based on your identified areas of focus. Cynthia Bailey Manns, Adult Learning Director or another Saint Joan of Arc staff member, will contact you regarding your FSFC assignment.
Although some families have already provided information, please complete the new revised Registration Form as this will ensure we have the most up to date information regarding your desired community group assignment.
We look forward to sharing this new SJA journey with you as we deepen our experiences of a loving and inclusive God who calls us to love and serve others.