Along with the pastors, inspiring guest pre-mass speakers continually challenge us to recognize the presence of the Divine in each person and to apply Gospel values to our contemporary lifestyles. They teach us ways to change our world. Professionals working with the poor, abused and marginalized enlighten and challenge us to act. Philosophers and theologians share their perspectives of faith, forgiveness and prayer. Whether they come from South Minneapolis or from the other side of the world, these talented and thought-provoking presenters are a cornerstone and a highlight of our Sunday Liturgy as they share with us ways to participate in the healing of the world. Our YouTube channel includes our recorded Saturday Masses as well as Pre-Mass speakers, the occasional Gym homily and special presentations celebrating some specific liturgical events.
< For more homilies, guest speakers and presentations, visit our YouTube Channel.
ST. JOAN OF ARC 4537 3rd Ave. S | Minneapolis, MN 55419 (612) 823-8205