First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation preparation and celebration is open to registered St. Joan of Arc parish families beginning in second grade. All participants must be baptized. Letters will be sent to families with children ages 7-12 in late summer.
The First Reconciliation preparation is a home-study program for children and parents to work on together. The decision to receive this Sacrament is based on your child’s readiness, which only you are responsible to determine. You may choose for your child to receive First Reconciliation prior to First Communion, or you may decide to wait for another time. For more information about First Reconciliation, contact Marie Bissonnette, email or 612.823.8205
2024 First Reconciliation Dates:
First Reconciliation: Letters will be sent in late August
Registration and materials pick-up dates are Sunday mornings September 15 - October 13: look for the sign in the school hallway
Celebration dates for 2024 - Saturday November 9 or 16 @10am in the Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Community provides individuals the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation by a priest and also provides meaningful Communal Prayer Services of Reconciliation for all.
The Sacrament is available
by appointment with one of St. Joan’s priests by calling the Parish Center, 612.823.8205.
St. Joan of Arc holds
Communal Prayer Services of Reconciliation twice a year, during Advent and Lent, in the Church. The services include
prayer, reflection, music and ritual which encourage meditation on forgiveness
and grace in our lives. Individual Sacramental Reconciliation is available with
a priest following these services.