After the pandemic, we asked the question, “How can Saint Joan of Arc better serve you as parents, grandparents and caregivers?” Family Small Faith Communities (FSFC) responds to our parents’ and caregivers’ desires to help their children experience a loving and inclusive God; deepen their personal faith; equip them with the skills to talk to their children about the importance of their faith and values, and engage in ongoing conversations and activities to build justice in their communities and the world. These family centered and relationship focused communities encourage, empower, equip, and support our parents and caregivers who Dr. Christian Smith diligently reminds us, “are the single most important influence in shaping the religious beliefs, values, and practices of their children.” (National Study of Youth and Religion)
Our FSFC help build relationships, navigate the challenges of living our faith in the world, and deepen our connections to each other and Saint Joan of Arc. By completing and submitting the
Registration Form, you are helping us create communities that serve your families based on your identified areas of focus. Cynthia Bailey Manns/Adult Learning Director or another Saint Joan of Arc staff, will contact you regarding your FSFC assignment.
Our commitment to a safe environment for minors requires that all adults (age 18+) be
VIRTUS trained. If you have been a volunteer for any of our child-focused programs, you likely have already gone through the training. Please visit our
Safe Environment webpage for further information on
VIRTUS training. If you have any questions regarding VIRTUS, please
email Diane Haugesag.
Growing Up Catholic resources which offer practical resources for parishes to help families share their faith at home or at parish-centered family events and EmbraceRace resources that support parents, guardians, educators, and other caregivers working to raise children who are thoughtful, informed and brave about race so that U.S. multiracial democracy can thrive, will be available for FSFC use.
For additional information, please
email Cynthia Bailey Manns.