New Member Welcome

Welcome New Members!

St. Joan of Arc is a community that welcomes you wherever you are on your journey!
As newly registered members of St. Joan of Arc, we welcome you to your new spiritual home! We hope you take advantage of the many opportunities to connect with your community. Check out our most recent new members HERE.

New Member Dinners

We also invite you to an upcoming new member dinner where you can meet other new parishioners. Hosted by staff and volunteers, this fun and informal dinner includes a tour of our campus for you and your family.

*All Dinners Suspended Due to COVID-19 Guidelines. We will put out information on dinner on a later date.*

When we start this up again, new member dinners are held quarterly. You will receive a dinner invitation letter following parish registration. If you were unable to attend a previous dinner, it's not too late! Contact Diane Haugesag, email, to join us in the future.

Please consider additional opportunities to meet fellow parishioners by checking out our Volunteer Page: Shared Ministry (Volunteer Opportunities)
