

The St. Joan of Arc EcoSpirits connect our spirituality and sense of justice with the earth, its systems, and all its creatures. The earth, like all of creation, is sacred, and reveals the sacred to us. Eco-Spirituality fosters an awareness of how we are interconnected with all of creation, so that we act wisely and learn to live justly respecting its abundance and rich diversity. We offer opportunities to learn and act for a sustainable future for our Mother Earth. Our core team meets monthly.

Join us:

  • Come to an education event, workshop or retreat, or on a field trip to a local recycling center or sustainable farm. Attend one of our trainings to become a Zero Waste household, protect our bee population, or reduce your use of plastic!
  • Learn more with us from local Native American leaders and communities as we confront the terrible history perpetrated by our church and by our state of Minnesota against Native peoples, atone for these wrongs, and commit ourselves to acting in solidarity for justice.