Service & Justice

Service & Justice

Sharing the love of Jesus with others to bring about a more just society is a key component to who we are as a Catholic community at St. Joan of Arc. The Youth Ministry program at St. Joan of Arc strives to empower our youth to live the law of love through a diverse range of service opportunities that promote Catholic Social Teaching.

MICAH Service Program

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

MICAH Service is an opportunity where youth in grades 6-12 are encouraged to serve once a month with an agency or organization that promotes Catholic Social Teaching. Youth sign up for a service site online after the program year orientation meeting. Youth are mentored and supervised by Service Lead volunteers. MICAH typically happens on the third Sunday of the month. Youth will have the opportunity to serve at one site per year. Questions? Contact Chris Sonnek. Below is a list of the 2023-24 MICAH Service Groups.

"MASS" - Mass and Service Support
St. Joan of Arc welcomes over 1000 parishioners and visitors every Sunday morning. You will work with our greeters and hospitality ministers to hand out bulletins, open doors, help people find seats, prepare and serve coffee, cookies, and juice. You will serve as a welcoming presence to our community!
Third Sunday of the month, 9am Mass or 11am Mass.

Sister Parish/Alfombra
This group engages in a relationship with youth from our Sister Parish in Tierra Nueva Dos in Guatemala. They take the year to design and then build a beautiful Alfombra on the Saturday before Easter Sunday, and is then revealed on Easter morning on the plaza in front of the Gym entrance.
Third Sunday of the month, 10:00-11:00pm.

Dragonfly Project
This is a non-profit that sends hopeful message packets to families who have recently had a family member die. Projects for this ministry include making packets (putting key chain, story and card in an envelope), making key chains, coloring dragonfly cards, signing the cards, and addressing envelopes. Meet in the St. Joan of Arc upper room.
Third Sunday of the month, 10:00-11:00pm.

Ronald McDonald House
By volunteering with Ronald McDonald House, you'll help with their Cooks for Kids meal program- creating a home away from home for families whose children have a life-threatening illness and need to stay near the hospital. Volunteers provide the food, prepare the meal and serve the meal with lots of smiles and humor for the families. You must be at least 14 years old to serve and be accompanied by one or both parents who will serve with you. Include the name of the adult(s) who will be accompanying you. Location: Ronald McDonald House – Meet at St. Joan of Arc and drive together.
Third Sunday of the month, 10am-3pm
